1. The Board of Elders shall have authority and responsibility for the spiritual welfare and activities of the congregational members, individually and corporately.

2. The chairman of the Board of Elders shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Elders.

a. The chairman shall appoint a secretary to record the minutes.

b. The chairman shall appoint one elder to serve as an advisor on at a minimum, each of the following committees: Worship,Ushers/ Greeters, New Member (Discipleship), Youth and other committee assignments may be made to other ongoing ministries as needed.

c. The chairman will report the recommendations of the Board of Elders to the Board of Directors and to the congregation.

d. The chairman may call special meetings of the Board of Elders.

3. The Board of Elders shall meet once a month.

4. The entire Board of Elders is responsible for the spiritual welfare and activities of the congregation, both individually and corporately, as a matter of convenience each elder is assigned members and then becomes the elder for these members and possibly potential members. Such lists may change from time to time but no congregational member will be without an elder assigned.

5. The Board of Elders serve as special assistants to the Bishop, supporting him with prayer, helping him with special problems in his ministry; and concerning itself with the spiritual, emotional and physical health and welfare of the Bishop and his family.  They ensure that he is provided with adequate compensation, housing and assistance with his work to guarantee his sufficient free time for family, personal responsibilities, study and relaxation.

6. The Board of Elders help the Bishop cultivate a spirit of harmony among the congregation members.

7. The Board of Elders are responsible for providing the Bishop with adequate preaching and altar assistance.

8. The Board of Elders are responsible for the proper conduct of public congregational worship services.

Pastorial Care Mission:
We attend to the temporal needs of the First Family through the areas of valet, office/home care, pulpit, auto care, preparation and serving of refreshments before and after services as needed.  We cover Bishop and his family in prayer and to value him as the precious jewel that he is; not only to our ministry, but to the body of Christ as a whole. Our function is to help lighten the load so he can focus on the vision and its work.

Deacon Ministry

1. LHM Deacon Ministry have general supervision of the moral,spiritual, and temporal (everyday) welfare of the church.

2. Visit the members of the church, particularly the sick and distressed.

Matt. 18:15-17, 1 Cor. 5:9-13, 1 These.


3 Distribute the Lord’s Supper

4. Cooperate in every department of the church.


In Relation to other deacons:

1. Chairman is recommended to Nomination Committee annually.

2. Chairman is a member of church council and missions committee.

3. Deacons are expected to attend all deacons meetings.


With very small changes the above job description is based on the Constitution and By-laws of the church.

Armour Bearer Ministry

David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.” (1 Samuel 16: 21-22)
What is an Armor Bearer?

Armor Bearers are not elected but are appointed by the Bishop from congregants who are in good standing, who are tithers, and who love the church and the Shepherd.

The main function of one who is designated as an armor bearer is that of service . . . for the biblical armor bearer was much more than a hired hand. An armor bearer was a person who undoubtedly spent many years, if not one’s entire life, in the leader’s service.

Duties of an Armor Bearer

Must provide strength for the leader
Must have a deep-down sense of respect for the leader, and acceptance for and tolerance of, the leader’s personality and their way of doing things
Must instinctively understand the leader’s thoughts
Must walk in agreement with and submission to the leader
Must make the advancement of the leader the most important goal
Must possess endless strength so as to thrust, press and force their way onward without giving way under harsh treatment
Must follow directives immediately and correctly
Must be a support to the leader
Must be an effective communicator
Must have a disposition that will eagerly gain victories for the leader
Must have the ability to minister strength and courage to the leader

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Accounting Stewards Mission:

To demonstrate accountability and responsibility by ensuring careful management and stewardship of tithes, offerings, and sacrificial gifts given to the Lord through accurate bookkeeping and report processing.

Ministry Role: To ensure that monies are verified, counted, and recorded for the building of God’s kingdom. Reports are accurately completed and forwarded to the Church demonstrator for preparation of financial analysis, which aids in the manifestation of God’s vision that was given to Bishop Oldes in this local ministry.

Have an ear for music? Enjoy working with audio engineering equipment? Then why not get involved in the LHM Audio Ministry? Get plugged in!

The Audio- Ministry at LHM is an opportunity to serve our congregation behind the scenes through a unique blend of technical know-how and artistry. Even if you have no previous experience, training is provided.

This ministry provides the church with sound and music for all worship services, rehearsals, special and off campus events. Supports the Pastor with spreading the Gospel using new technology via audio duplication and distribution to the Internet on the World Wide Web. Reaching out to make the worship experience memorable through audio recordings.

Sound Technicians operate the audio mixer, balance the sound of the music and speaking portions of worship, and assist in the setup of audio equipment.

The Audio Ministry supports primarily Worship, but also other areas of ministry on an as needed basis.
The Audio Ministry endeavors to provide the best possible audio technical support to other ministry areas through attentiveness, technological knowledge, and awareness of other ministry goals.
A strong commitment of time and effort is required from those participating in the Audio Ministry.
If you’re interested in joining our team, please contact audio@libertyhouseministries.com

Multimedia Ministry Vision:

The Multimedia Communication Ministry will produce the highest quality audio, video, printed, and internet materials possible utilizing state of the art multimedia equipment and technology. The ministry of Christ at Liberty House Ministries will be accurately represented in broadcast and print media and will reflect the spirit of excellence as we model ministry for the new millennium.


The Multimedia Communications Ministry will record all worship services, Bible studies, conferences, workshops, seminars, and special events sponsored by Liberty House Ministries. These audio, video and internet productions will be appropriately edited and packaged for dissemination via television or general distribution to the public. Additional printed materials such as brochures, Bible study lessons, bulletins, newsletters, and devotional series’ will also be produced and distributed under the auspices of this ministry.


The Multimedia Communications Ministry’s purpose is to produce and distribute materials that will support efforts to win the lost and disciple the saints of God.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

The mission of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry is to stand in the gap and pray for the ministry of the Liberty House Ministries and the entire body of Christ. Prayer is defined as communication with God, and an intercessor is one who is called to pray for the needs of others. The Bible says in Ezekiel 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” As prayer warriors we are committed to continue in prayer as the scripture tells us in James 5:16 “….the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availability much.”y

One might wonder how men’s ministry is any different from a woman’s ministry or for that matter, any kind of ministry. After all, it would seem that ministry, if done in service for the Lord, is all the same regardless of the gender, age, or race of the individual serving.  LHM Men’s Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training God’s man in Christ.  LHM Men’s Ministry has a desperate need to break from the norm in order to set the men of God free to live the abundant life that Jesus promised. Our passion is to help men develop deep, spiritual realtionships with God and with the men around them

Our mission is to evangelize, encourage and strengthen LHM men to live their call to be powerful sons of God and to lead their families and others closer to the Lord. Whether in the home, workplace or society, each man is called to respond to the authentic image of masculinity found in Christ Jesus We will start with Christ and end with Christ. Everything we do is for His Glory. We will work hard to create bonds between men that will allow them to grow in their Christian faith and stand together during times of adversity. We will not compromise on the true message of Jesus and His Church. We understand that there is a spiritual battle taking place, and we are willing to engage in it.

Head Security/ArmourBearer: Duane Evans

In a world where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. God calls the body to utilize wisdom. The Security ministry was developed to meet the growing safety needs of the Liberty House family. Each year as hundreds are drawn, they bring with them property, finances, and family. Accordingly, the scope of responsibility for the Bishop, his family, and the Body of Christ increases. As a result, Security continues to evolve in its service to the church in the areas of monitoring, supporting, protecting and serving.

Ministry Mission Statement :

The Singles Ministry is a welcoming, nurturing community that encourages Christ-centered growth, service and celebration. Together we are:

– Growing personally and spiritually
– Sharing God’s gifts through service
– Interconnecting with the larger church
– Celebrating life with others.

Music Ministry Mission:

To usher our souls and the souls of others into the presence of God, allowing intimacy with our Father in Heaven. To create an atmosphere that will allow an individual to freely receive the Spirit of God. To offer a sacrifice of praise with the fruit of our lips, while acknowledging to our God that we have accepted His elected position as minstrel warriors on the battlefield.

What Must I Do To Join The Music Ministry:

Be a Born Again Christian · Must be attending or have completed New Members Class · Be willing to serve · Have the gift of singing or playing a musical instrument · Be available to: Attend rehearsals…. Attend weekly services….. Attend special engagements

Ministry Leader and Instructor: Debbie Jones

The Sacred Dance Ministry, as an extension of Liberty House Ministries, is a vibrant, expressive, joyful, and an integral part of the praise and worship experience.

Our mission is to prepare the atmosphere to usher in the presence of God through dance. Our hope is that through our ministry, any yokes of bondage will be destroyed off the members of the congregation, and the preached Word of God will have fresh soil to be planted in. Praise dance prepares us to enter into another realm of worship.

Psalm 149:3 tells us to praise his name in the dance. We therefore present our bodies as a living sacrifice; holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service, (Romans 12:1). We seek to dance before Him with clean hands and pure hearts so that we may usher others into His presence as we ourselves enter in.

Our earnest hope is that we can offer, without a spoken word, the clear message of joy and victory over the enemy. In order to minister in this vital ministry, a person must possess the following: · A thriving relationship with Christ · A Holy Spirit-filled life · Skillful ability · Flow, as related to dance · A heart desirous to worship God in spirit and in truth A praise dancer’s purpose should not be to entertain or to please the congregation, but rather to serve and worship the Lord. Our Father seeks true worshippers to worship Him in this manner. We count it a privilege to dance before the Lord!

Ushers Ministry

The Liberty House Greeters and Ushers Ministry is comprised of devoted men and women who are committed to serving and assisting our members, and guests. Our purpose is to create an atmosphere of genuine welcome and concern for all entering our doors. We seek to ensure order in God’s house so that the presence of the Lord will enter.Availability, hospitality, and flexibility are all tools essential for serving at the optimum level in this ministry. An effective usher demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit (as described in Galatians 5:22-23) in both the ministry and in daily life. As we serve the Lord with gladness in our own lives, we likewise serve those entering into His sanctuary.

Ministry Leader:Margaret Greer

The mission of the Liberty House Ministries is to obey the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ by making disciples of all men and women who have, by faith, believed on Him and received His free gift of eternal life. In order to accomplish our mission, we will provide training based on Biblical principles, establish the fundamentals of faith and equip disciples to do the work of ministry.


New Members Intake
The In Take Department is sent forth by God to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. Our mission is to thoroughly equip leaders to minister salvation to all who shall call upon the name of the Lord, both here and abroad. As we minister salvation to new believers and welcome new members and visitors, we shall do so with great joy and enthusiasm out of our personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. God desires His people to feel His touch through our anointed words, expressions, gestures and personal testimonies; thereby, allowing potential heirs of salvation to see and feel God’s love expressed through our being.


Administration Department

Mission Statement:

New Members Administration Department is responsible for providing information to our members concerning their profiles, classes and any other pertinent membership information. Our Administration Department is responsible for maintaining an accurate database that provides tracking and follow-up of new members and visitors.

In this ministry, we are able to provide Bishop Oldes with key information that pertains to the overall membership. However, it is a great concern to Bishop Oldes that our membership grows spiritually as well as numerically. As we continue to provide vital, concise and accurate information into the hands of our Visionary and the congregation, we will be able to move to higher and higher dimensions locally, regionally and globally.


Orientation Department

Mission Statement:

Our New Members Orientation Ministry is a threshold to a wonderful beginning at Liberty House. Its primary responsibility is to orient new believers in God’s Word. Thereby, we present an orientation curriculum that offers three foundational courses. The complete series of studies will cover the beliefs and doctrines of Liberty House that are based from Holy Scriptures. In addition, New Member Orientation acquaints new members with various areas of service in the church.

Youth Ministry Mission:

Our Youth Ministry exists as a vital arm of the overall vision of this local church to specifically evangelize teens and adolescents with the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. Upon conversion, the ministry functions to connect new believers with other young Christians through discovery, outreach projects and other ministry related events.

Youth Church Mission:

Our Mission in this ministry is to have children who are not only saved but also well equipped to win their schools, neighborhoods, cities, and even the world to Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost.


Our purpose is to reach children with the gospel, to equip them to do ministry, teach them to honor God, and to demonstrate the joy of being around the people of God.

Outreach Ministry

The Outreach Department consists of the Missions Ministry, Prison Outreach, Evangelism, and Prayer Ministry which extends through various communities.