We are convinced of two massive realities: Man’s greatest delight comes from knowing his maker and God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Therefore, we want to make you infinitely happy so that the greatness of God would be made known in our church, our communities, and the world.
Liberty House is not a building, not a person, not a religious institute. It is a vibrant body of believers through which God is able to work and be glorified.We are real people infused with dynamic faith, committed to a common vision, joined together in covenant love.
We believe in multicultural and multigenerational ministry. We are passionate about church planting, church life and church growth. We revel in big crowds and are committed to small groups. We find the Kingdom in both. Our hands are in the dirt, putting broken things back together, like families, communities, cities, and nations. We have big dreams. We serve a good God. The nations are His dwelling and our lives are His vessels.
We minister to the abased and the exalted. We feel compassion for the poor. Our doors are open to the rich. We believe God wants to prosper those who ask and believe. We have learned to maintain our souls in the rhythm of abounding and abasing, direction and uncertainty, words and silence. We have made peace with paradox. We celebrate humanity. We worship Deity. The God we adore is deeper than our thoughts and greater than our vanity.
We haven’t checked our brains at the door, but we have rejected cynicism and skepticism. We aren’t too deep, so as to keep you from finding the bottom, nor are we intellectual elites. We talk about things that matter to people: their doubts, fears, longings, families, relationships, goals, careers, failures, and successes. We attend church consistently, even though we know that the true church is but people. We love to worship and pray and believe and receive. We are committed to integrity and transparency. We are adventurous, conservative and serious.
We believe in a bright, colorful, positive, church culture. We abide by faith, hope and love. We are building a church that the unchurched are attracted to, filled with light, life, supernatural happenings, vision, purpose, loving people, great music and life-changing teaching.